Multiple Targets [EN]

Capture d’écran 2014-06-26 à 10.21.04

A basic moving map software (CompeGps, Oziexplorer, …) can navigate to one waypoint and to get the different informations we need, like the distance, the estimated time to goal, the heading, etc … When we want to navigate to only one waypoint, it’s ok, but when we want to run an HWZ, it’s more complicated ! Who never needed to switch from a waypoint to an other to check the estimated time or the distance ?

Capture d’écran 2014-06-26 à 10.21.10

 Multiple Targets is able to navigate to 4 waypoints at the same time and to show all the navigating informations ! To do that, the currently waypoint navigated is on the first position, then if we want to add more waypoints to navigate, we just need to use the “+” button and to select the desired waypoint.

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